Letter from the Editorial Team


Dear Readers—

Last week, Next Generation Politics (NGP) launched our new website, as we continue laying groundwork for the coming years.. Some subscribers may not have been receiving our blogs directly to your email through our former website--a technical difficulty we believe has now been addressed.  As such, we wanted to step back to bring you a letter from our Blog Leadership Team explaining our plans for the upcoming year. We are eager to share new initiatives, articles, and projects that will be coming your way very soon. We warmly welcome any feedback you have through the comments or by emailing us directly at NGPEditor@gmail.com 


     Stephen Dames: 

Stephen Dames is a senior at the High School of American Studies at Lehman College, located in New York City. He is passionate about the future of leftism in America, the role cultural forces play in political movements, and the intersection between youth activism and concrete political change. He believes strongly in the idea of local direct democracy and is an advocate for greater citizen (and youth) participation in government. 

Hi everyone! First of all I just want to emphasize how excited I am for the upcoming year, and how lucky I consider myself to be able to co-lead this fantastic group of writers and editors. Secondly, I am also really looking forward to the new initiatives our editorial team is leading and creating. One of the projects I am most excited for include a new arts section which will include multimedia creative pieces, literary and artistic criticism, and possibly even creative writing. This section will give NGP the scope and perspective necessary to tackle the complex political issues at the intersection of politics and culture. Though I may be biased, I am also very excited about continuing to write The Agora, a weekly commentary which—I hope—gives our blog a political perspective that is outside the day to day monotony of politics, along with  a lens to see the big picture.


Inica Kotasthane:

Inica Kotasthane is a sixteen year-old writer who attends Watchung Hills Regional High School in Warren, New Jersey and is the Co-Editor in Chief of the Next Generation Politics blog. Kotasthane is the Co-Editor in Chief of her school newspaper, The Arrowhead, and is passionate in speech and debate. She remains active in politics by working with her local League of Women Voters chapter and is in the Youth Leadership Program for her county. Inica plans on pursuing her interests in Political Science and Writing through journalism or policy making, and hopes to continue to raise awareness and change for social issues affecting the world today.

Hi all! As Stephen said, we’re all super excited to be leading the blog this year! I’ve been a part of the blog since January 2020 and have since grown immensely, not only in my writing skills but also in my perspective of the world. Being part of Next Generation Politics has enabled me to foster a sense of civic responsibility during these dynamic times, and I hope to promote that same kind of growth as co-Editor in Chief. Along with the arts section that Stephen mentioned, I’m looking forward to including more collaborative pieces on the blog. We’ve already started creating articles like these, including our coverage on the presidential debates and the presidential election. By including a range of opinions, we’re working towards our goal of accurately representing Generation Z outside of just impartial facts, truly allowing us to explore the nuances of American politics and how they are affecting the nation’s youth. We hope that you continue with us in this journey!


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